In what order do you apply the products? Follow this step-by-step guide to make your routine a success

When should I apply the treatment serum? Should I apply the facial oil before or after the cream? And when should I apply the contouring cream? These are some of the questions I receive the most, and I want to help you, as the order of the products affects the results.


There are 2 important things to remember:

1. ALWAYS - start with cleansing. 

2. After cleaning, use the products in the order from lighter to heavier. In other words, firts we apply those that are less viscous (more liquid) and then those that are more viscous (more consistent and with a higher % percentage). Oil, for example, is considered heavy.


Below are the main steps and the right orders to use our products:



This is the fundamental and essential step to obtain the best results. Imagine wanting to paint a work of art on a dirty canvas, it would be a disaster. With skin, it's similar but there's more: cleansing your skin is not only crucial for removing impurities, but also for preventing wrinkles and sagging (as it slows down ageing), improving overall tone and maintaining a radiant, healthy appearance.

Touch is the body's natural antidepressant," says Tiffany Field, author of the book Touch: the specific feeling of well-being that humans and hairy mammals experience with this type of touch is based neurophysiologically on the activation of so-called C-actile afferents (the "pleasure" nerve fibres)

Thus a mindful massage with your oil cleanser (like Recovery cleanser), which will help reduce cortisol levels and therefore stress levels.


For me Active Mist, the quasi-essential toner and mist is one of my must-have products for any skin type and any time of the year. Why? It boosts hydration thanks to fig juice and organic aloe vera, instantly brightens (our make-up artists love it) and reduces blemishes. And how does it do it? Thanks to powerful active ingredients such as stable vitamin C and Melano™ (biotechnological ingredients). And all this without irritating your skin, making it ideal for sensitive or delicate skin too. Here you can take a look at our cleansers and see which one is best suited for your skin type (you can find detailed information on each product page).



This is the heart of the Ritual, and we will use one type of serum or another depending on the results we want. For example, the Anti-aging & Glow with tensor effect effectively prevents and improves wrinkles, flaccidity and lack of luminosity.

The Unify is specific for blemishes, both to prevent them and to fade existing ones, and it also provides a beautiful glow that you will notice the first few days of using it.

In case of acne outbreaks or excess sebum, we formulate Clear, which is able to control shine, minimise pimples (guaranteed results in 3 days) and reduce all signs (such as hyperpigmentation or wounds) derived from acne.

Avoid the eye contour area.



In addition, to moisturising the skin, our creams provide a preventive treatment and improve the signs of ageing. How to choose the right one? Make sure to include the one that best suits your needs and the result you want to achieve and of course, the texture should be the one you feel most comfortable with.

Moisture Plus and Light contain more than 19 active ingredients and are focused on moisturising (up to 37% more hydration in 28 days) and fighting free radicals and intrinsic stress, responsible for ageing.

Nutrition is more than a moisturising, anti-ageing cream with a tightening effect, it is an intensive night treatment that reduces wrinkles with remarkable and demonstrable results: up to 35% less wrinkles after one month of use. And why at night? It contains essential oils with highly soothing properties (rosewood, vanilla...) that help us connect with feminine energy, inner calm and childhood memories. In addition, at night is when we are most relaxed, our body prepares to repair itself and our cells regenerate. It is also the time when the skin loses the most water - after having been subjected during the day to different external factors such as wind, cold, heat... - and Nutrition contains a biotenological complex that slowly releases oligosaccharides and maintains optimal hydration levels.

 Avoid the eye contour area.



Why do I recommend including Eye Care? Because the skin and needs of the eye area are different to those of the face (thinner skin) and Eye Care, with its light texture and tightening effect, restores the skin's elasticity and leaves your eyes 20% more revitalised from the first application, reducing dark circles and expression lines.

Something similar happens with the Lips, one of the most delicate tissues of the body as they lack protection (there are no sebaceous glands) and their stratum corneum (the most superficial layer of the skin) is extremely thin and fragile. That's why I formulated a serum rich in ceramides, hyaluronic acid and Q10 for more youthful, juicy and above all healthy lips…

If you prefer, you can apply the Eye Care and Lips Perfector BEFORE the serum and cream.


5) OIL

The final step, to seal in moisture and provide essential fatty acids to keep the skin barrier healthy and strong, is to include a semi-drying oil such as Serenity Oil. With over 15 oils and extracts it helps dry and sensitive skin soothe irritation and redness and restore elasticity. As well as leaving a lovely glow


What about exfoliators and masks?

These extra treatments boost the results and can be included 1-2 days a week just after cleansing the skin and before applying the full treatment (toner, serum, cream, oil).

You can take a look at Our Collection and see which product is best suited to your skin type (this information can be found in detail on each product page).


Scientific references
Massage increases oxytocin and reduces adrenocorticotropin hormone in humans (see the study)
Effects of psychoactive massage in outpatients with depressive disorders: a randomised controlled mixed-methods study (see the study)
Tiffany Field, author of the book Touch and found and director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine